Sunday, January 18, 2009

Our Weekend!

Well we didn't do all that much. Just hung around the house and played on Friday night and then on Saturday night Tay Tay and Jud came and kept the kids and me and Adam had a date night. WE had lots of fun. We went to superior grill and then to see the movie Bride Wars which I loved. It was wonderful. We never go to the movies so it was a treat. The kids had a good time and when we came home Jud and Brady were asleep in my room and Taylor and Jordyn asleep in Jordyns room. They must be good because my kids don't really go to sleep for anyone but me and Adam. Today we went to church and hung out with my parents and then Mary Cates came and played tonight and Poppy came to visit. I will post some new pics soon. I hope everyone had a great weekend!


Jeremy and Kourtney Keith said...

Glad you guys had a good weekend and you and Adam were able to have a date night!!

Christy said...

What a fun weekend!